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Luxury bags
The SPRINT are the only fully reclosable rectangular customized paper bags, available in a wide choice of colours and paper, even in extra heavy weight. The customized paper bags of the SPRINT range are presented as elegant gift boxes, which normally open on the top side.
These characteristics, combined with the shape and the excellent resistance of the material and the handles, contribute to the success of these customized paper bags, practical but always classy. SPRINT bags are available in five different sizes, and larger versions can also contain voluminous packaging. The most obvious advantage? The surprise effect is guaranteed!
Materiali e colorazioni
- Paper Freelife
- Paper Metal
- Paper Nettuno
- Paper Sirio
- Paper imitlin tela
- Paper Ispira
- KIND - Linen Recycled
- Shantung
- Setalux®, viscose texture with silky effect

Devi realizzare un nuovo allestimento per la tua vetrina?
Contattaci per una consulenza di design e scopri tutte le combinazioni di colori e materiali disponibili, anche per forniture di piccole quantità.